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HP48 Machine Language - A Journey to the Center of the HP48 s/sx - Read the book online

mardi 12 juin 2007, par Paul Courbis

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hp48ml - page 388 - Courbis, acteur de l'Internet depuis 1988
Section précédente : Handy Machine Language Routines Page précédente Sommaire Page suivante Section suivante : Index

Handy Machine Language Routines

(c) Courbis   388 APPENDICESh  ttp:  //ww  w.c  our  bis.  com  PD Ff iles  av aila  ble on htt p:// ww  w.c our bis .co m-  Re dis trib  utio  no rm irro rin gs tric  tly pro hib ited  .  ' PUSH.R0.R1(#06529h)placesthevaluesof R0,fieldAand R1,  fieldAontothestackassystembinaries.R0willbeinlevel2,and R1willbeinlevel1.CAUTION:TheregistersD1andDmustbe savedpreviouslywithacallto SAVE.REG.  ' POP.C(#06641h)takesthevalueofasystembinaryfromthestack  andputsitinC,fieldA.CAUTION:TheregistersD1andDmustbe thesystemvalues(stackpointerandfreememory).Theirvalueswill bemodifiedby POP.C(sincetheobjectinlevel1wasremoved).  ' POP.C.A(#03F5Dh)takesthevaluesoftwosystembinariesfrom  thestack.Aswiththeroutineabove,D1andDaremodified.C,field Awillcontainthenumberfromlevel1,andA,fieldAwillcontainthe numberfromlevel2.  ' DIV5(#06A8Eh)dividesthecontentsofC,fieldAby5.Thisroutine  usesthefirst10nibblesofregistersA,C,andD.Thisactually performsamultiplicationby3355444,thenadivisionby16777216, whichisjustaboutadivisionby5.  ' MULTA(#03991h)multipliesA,fieldAandC,fieldA,andputsthe  resultinB,fieldA.  ' BEEP(#017A6h)emitsasoundwithafrequencyofD,fieldAand  adurationinmillisecondsofC,fieldA.Thisroutinetakesinto accountflag-56.  ' ERROR(#05023h)displaystheerrormessageforthenumber  containedinA,fieldA.CAUTION:Thisroutinemustbecalledwith a GOTO,andnota GOSUB.Itwillhalttheprogramcurrently executing.ThiscallmustbeprecededbyacalltoLOAD.REG,ifyou havecalledSAVE.REG.  ' STOP(#10FDBh)calledwithaGOTO,willhalttheprogramcurrently  executing.Itgenerateserror#123hwhich IFERRcannothandle, sothecalculatorisreturnedtointeractivemode.Thiscallmustbe precededbyacalltoLOAD.REG,ifyouhavecalled SAVE.REG.  ' EXHR(#026BFh)willexecutetheroutineinhiddenROMatthe  addresscontainedinC,fieldA.  PM65-006.p65 11/07/2001,09:22388
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