Accueil > Réalisations > Publications > Ouvrages > Ouvrages sur la HP48 s/sx > HP48 Machine Language - A Journey to the Center of the HP48 s/sx - Read the (...)

HP48 Machine Language - A Journey to the Center of the HP48 s/sx - Read the book online

mardi 12 juin 2007, par Paul Courbis

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hp48ml - page 396 - Courbis, acteur de l'Internet depuis 1988
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(c) Courbis   396 APPENDICESh  ttp:  //ww  w.c  our  bis.  com  PD Ff iles  av aila  ble on htt p:// ww  w.c our bis .co m-  Re dis trib  utio  no rm irro rin gs tric  tly pro hib ited  .  Microprocessor71 Minieditorscreenprep.176 Mini-editor160 Mini-EditorScreenPreparation178 Miscellaneousnotes79 MODU266,282 MODUL316 Modulepulled76 MODUSEARCH264 Moves83,86 Movingvalues88 MP76 mSOLVER295 MULT266,283,389 MULTA388 Multiplyingby1683,107 Multiplyingby283,105 MUSICML314  NEXT29 Nexterrortodisplay201 NextObjecttobeExecuted197 Nibble342,385 NOPs(instructionswithnoeffect)84,120 Numberofattachedlibraries136,201,204 Numericalcalculation59  Object385 Objects35,123,354 ON-D160 OtherObjects157 OUTPUT164 OutputMaskfortheKeyboardTest182 OutputOK169 OVER22  P78 PATH33 PC76 PCAR291 PEEK220,385 Peripherals159 PI286,287 PICK24 Pixel142 Plug-incard179 Plug-incardports159 Plug-incardremoved177 Plug-Incards53,179,181 PMAT294 POKE222,385 POP.C388 POP.C.A388 Port179,181 Port0194 Port1161,179 Port2161,179 Portinformation(HP48sx)179,181 POW266,282  PR40311 PREVIOUS29 Processor385 Program36,123,152 ProgrammingMethods36 Prolog385 PROM53 Pseudooperations84,120 PUSH.R0388 PUSH.R0.R1388  R-?SB258 R076 R176 R276 R376 R476 RABIP318 RAM53,54,175,385 RAMSEARCH263 Randomnumberseed201,202 RASS230 Readingandwritingtomemory83,92 Realnumber123,125 RealNumbers358 Real/Complexarray123,130 Recursion42 Redefiningkeys50 Register385 Registerdirect84,111 Registerindirect84,111 Registers73 RegistersusedbytheHP4879 RENAME319 Reserved1123 Reserved1,2,3and4151 Reserved2123 Reserved3123 Reserved4123 ReservedRAM175 Restart177 RES.ROOM387 RES.STR387 Returnstack76,175,189 Returningfromsubroutines84,112 REVERSE236 ReversePolishLisp35 ReversePolishNotation18 RightMargin171,172 RightShift164 ROLL23 ROLLD23 ROM53,159,385 ROMRCL259 ROMSEARCH263 ROT22 Rotatingleft(onenibble)83,108 Rotatingright(onenibble)83,109 RPL35  PM65-006.p65 11/07/2001,09:22396
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