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Voyage au centre de la HP28 c/s : lire le livre en ligne

mardi 27 juin 2006, par Paul Courbis

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Voyage28 - page 173 - Courbis, acteur de l'Internet depuis 1988
Section précédente : Liste des objets et des points d Page précédente Sommaire Page suivante Section suivante : Programmes en langage-machine

Liste des objets et des points d'entrée RPL

(c) Courbis   Page 170  instructions de type 1 0   #178D3h DUP 1   #178EDh DUP2 2   #17907h SWAP 3   #17921h DROP 4   #1793Bh DROP2 5   #17955h ROT 6   #1796Fh OVER 7   #17989h DEPTH 8   #179A8h DROPN 9   #179C2h DUPN 10  #179E1h PICK 11  #179FBh ROLL 12  #17A15h ROLLD 13  #17A2Fh CLEAR 14  #17A4Eh ->LIST 15  #17A72h R->C 16  #17ACDh RE 17  #17B2Dh IM 18  #17B97h SUB 19  #17BEDh LIST-> 20  #17C25h C->R 21  #17C67h SIZE 22  #17CE5h POS 23  #17D09h ->STR 24  #17D23h STR-> 25  #17D47h NUM 26  #17D6Bh CHR 27  #17D8Fh TYPE 28  #17E44h ->ARRY 29  #17EBDh ARRY-> 30  #17F18h RDM 31  #17F82h CON 32  #1805Fh IDN 33  #180F6h TRN 34  #18147h PUT 35  #1819Dh PUTI 36  #183ECh GET 37  #18442h GETI 38  #18990h SAME 39  #189B9h AND 40  #18A32h OR 41  #18AABh NOT 42  #18B01h XOR 43  #18B7Ah ==  INSTRUCTIONS DE LA HP28c 1CC  89  #19DA5h IP 90  #19DDDh FP 91  #19E15h FLOOR 92  #19E4Dh CEIL 93  #19E85h XPON 94  #19EBDh MAX 95  #19F09h MIN 96  #19F55h MOD 97  #19FA1h MANT 98  #19FD9h D->R 99  #1A011h R->D 100 #1A03Fh ->HMS 101 #1A063h HMS-> 102 #1A087h HMS+ 103 #1A0ABh HMS104 #1A0CFh RNRM 105 #1A0F3h CNRM 106 #1A117h DET 107 #1A13Bh DOT 108 #1A15Fh CROSS 109 #1A183h RSD 110 #1A1B1h % 111 #1A1FDh %T 112 #1A249h %CH 113 #1A28Bh RAND 114 #1A2A5h RDZ 115 #1A2C9h RCL 116 #1A32Eh STO 117 #1A3A2h PURGE 118 #1A416h MEM 119 #1A44Eh ORDER 120 #1A490h CLUSR 121 #1A4AFh KILL 122 #1A4C9h ABORT 123 #1A4E3h ERRN 124 #1A4FDh ERRM 125 #1A517h EVAL 126 #1A54Fh IFTE 127 #1A613h IFT 128 #1A66Eh SYSEVAL 129 #1A6C8h DISP 130 #1A6F6h RND 131 #1A724h BEEP 132 #1A748h ->NUM 133 #1A767h LAST  44  #18BF8h \Delta  45  #18C71h < 46  #18CE5h > 47  #18D59h <= 48  #18DCDh >= 49  #18E41h = 50  #18EBFh NEG 51  #18F0Bh ABS 52  #18F57h CONJ 53  #18FA3h \Pi  54  #18FD1h MAXR 55  #18FFFh MINR 56  #1902Dh e 57  #1905Bh i 58  #19089h + 59  #19143h - 60  #191E9h * 61  #192B7h / 62  #1935Dh ^ 63  #1943Fh INV 64  #1948Bh ARG 65  #194E1h P->R 66  #19609h R->P 67  #19687h SIGN 68  #196C9h \Sigma  69  #19738h SQ 70  #197ACh SIN 71  #197EEh COS 72  #19830h TAN 73  #19872h SINH 74  #198B4h COSH 75  #198F6h TANH 76  #19938h ASIN 77  #199B1h ACOS 78  #19A2Ah ATAN 79  #19A6Ch ASINH 80  #19AAEh ACOSH 81  #19B22h ATANH 82  #19B9Bh EXP 83  #19BDDh LN 84  #19C4Ch LOG 85  #19CBBh ALOG 86  #19CFDh LNP1 87  #19D35h EXPM 88  #19D6Dh FACT  V28 #3 (C) 2001 8/03/2001, 12:46170
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